Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions

Please skip to the Ts and Cs section applicable for your class type:

  • Section A: In Schools, After/Before school Street dance classes
  • Section B: Out of school, Worthing Street dance Academy
  • Section C: INVITE ONLY competition crews
  • Section D: Adult Street dance classes

Please email requests for our Safeguarding Policy. All permanent teaching staff have up to date DBS checks, First Aid certificates, Safeguarding training, Public liability insurance, and have copies of all necessary policies for their role.

Section A: In Schools, After/Before school Street dance classes

  1. Although we are working as part of the extra curricular program at your child's school, please not that this is a private organisation, and all communication and queries regarding the classes should be made direct to kerry@wannadostreetdance.com
  2. Ensure you and your childs details are updated correctly on your classforkids account, which is in compliance with GDPR standards.
  3. Parents are invited to a class near the end of the term to watch a short 15 minute presentation of the term's work. We do not force the children to perform, as this can have a negative impact on the child's confidence. If your child is anxious about the performance day, please do let them know that they are able to sit with the teacher at the front, and help the performers. They will still receive their certificates. The details of timings will be confirmed in advance.
  4. By enrolling your child, you agree for all photos and videos of your child to be taken and used for marketing purposes, including social media, unless you have opted out.
  5. By booking this class, you agree that they are healthy enough to participate in a dance class. You are responsible for checking with you and your child’s doctor if necessary, that your child is fully able to dance, and can participate in all activities/classes.
  6. You will let the company know, where appropriate, of any health problems or allergies. If you are aware of health problems/allergies, and have failed to inform the teacher in writing, it is at your own risk/fault should you and your child participate in the class. 
  7. If a session is cancelled, you will be notified via text/email to the details you provide us on classforkids. A make up session will be offered where possible, or a discount code may be given for value of the class for next term sign up.
  8. The teachers are not required to take responsibility for any possessions you or your child might take to the session, and so brings them at your own risk. 
  9. You understand that appropriate clothing for exercise has been advised.
  10. Suitable footwear must also be worn, no crocs/sandals/boots please.
  11. No jewellery is to be worn to class.
  12. You understand that there is a dance lesson, and physical contact may be necessary.
  13. Children are not to get changed during the session. We are unable to help children get changed during the session for safeguarding reasons.
  14. First aid may be necessary, you consent to the first aider administering first aid on your child. We will always communicate to you if your child has suffered a head injury in session.
  15. Wannado are responsible for your child for the class times stated only. Anything that happens out side of these times are not the teacher's responsibility.
  16. Please collect your child promptly so that the teacher may be released to go to their next class. If your child has not been collected on time, your child may be left with the school office, and If your child is collected more than 10minutes late, a £10 late fee will be charged. If a teachers following class is effected by your late pick up, you will be liable for any monetary repercussions, including financial compensation for customer's missed class time, or loss of wages.
  17. We follow a 3 step behavior system. If your child reaches a 3rd warning more than 2 sessions in a term, it is at the teacher's discretion whether your child may participate/return back to dance class, and no refund will be given. This is to ensure safety of all participants and uphold the quality of the session for everyone involved.
  18. We endeavour to be as inclusive as possible, and will hire dance assistants to help support the needs of the class. However, we do not have the resources to facilitate a 121 support. Please do contact us to discuss your child's needs and wether we are able to facilitate a positive learning experience for them before booking if you feel that they require more specialised support.
  19. We do not offer refunds for these sessions. We may offer a paid trial session for classes that are not fully booked, but this is at the discretion of Wannado.
  20. We are not a childcare provider and so childcare vouchers are not applicable for payment.

Section B: Out of school classes, Worthing Street dance Academy

  1. Ensure you and your childs details are updated correctly on your classforkids account, which is in compliance with GDPR standards.
  2. Parents are not allowed to sit in on classes, there is nothing more uncool than you parent watching over you trying to let loose with mates. It also prevents your child from fully immersing into the class and social circles.
  3. Performance opportunities are available, but we do not force the children to perform, as this can have a negative impact on the child's confidence.
  4. By enrolling your child, you agree for all photos and videos of your child to be taken and used for marketing purposes, including social media, unless you have opted out.
  5. By booking this class, you agree that they are healthy enough to participate in a dance class. You are responsible for checking with you and your child’s doctor if necessary, that your child is fully able to dance, and can participate in all activities/classes.
  6. You will let the company know, where appropriate, of any health problems or allergies. If you are aware of health problems/allergies, and have failed to inform the teacher in writing, it is at your own risk/fault should you and your child participate in the class. 
  7. If a session is cancelled, you will be notified via text/email to the details you provide us on classforkids. A make up session will be offered at the earliest convenience.
  8. The teachers are not required to take responsibility for any possessions you or your child might take to the session, and so brings them at your own risk. 
  9. You understand that appropriate clothing for exercise has been advised. You are required to have a Wannado Streetdance T-shirt which can be purchased through our website. Suitable footwear must also be worn, no crocs/uggs/boots/sandals/barefeet are allowed.
  10. No jewellery is to be worn to class.
  11. Phones may be confiscated until the end of the session if they are causing too much disruption.
  12. You understand that this is a dance lesson, and physical contact may be necessary.
  13. First aid may be necessary, you consent to the first aider administering first aid on your child. We will always communicate to you if your child has suffered a head injury in session.
  14. Wannado are responsible for your child for the class times stated only. Anything that happens out side of these times are not the teacher's responsibility.
  15. Please collect your child promptly so that the teacher may be released to go to their next class. If your child has not been collected on time, and If your child is collected more than 10minutes late, a £10 late fee will be charged. If a teachers following class is effected by your late pick up, you will be liable for any monetary repercussions, including financial compensation for customer's missed class time, or loss of wages.
  16. Senior students will exit the class by themselves. Juniors will be escorted by a teacher. If your child is walking home by themselves, Wannado is not liable for the safety of your child outside of class times, but we do require a courtesy permission email to let us know if your child walks home by themselves.
  17. We follow a 3 step behavior system. If your child reaches a 3rd warning more than 2 sessions in a term, it is at the teacher's discretion whether your child may participate/return back to dance class, and no refund will be given. This is to ensure safety of all participants and uphold the quality of the session for everyone involved.
  18. We endeavour to be as inclusive as possible, and will hire dance assistants to help support the needs of the class. However, we do not have the resources to facilitate a 121 support. Please do contact us to discuss your child's needs and wether we are able to facilitate a positive learning experience for them before booking if you feel that they require more specialised support.
  19. We do not offer refunds for these sessions. We may offer a 2 week trial for classes that are not fully booked, to see that our classes are a good fit for you before you sign up.
  20. We are not a childcare provider and so childcare vouchers are not applicable for payment.
  21. This is a monthly subscription. Payment comes out on the 1st of the month. You must give us 1 month notice if you wish to pause or cancel your subscription. You are welcome to continue dancing with us until the end of the last paid month.

Section C: INVITE ONLY competition crews

  1. All Terms and Conditions listed in Section B are applicable
  2. As a valued Street dance crew member, you will receive a discount code, allowing 15% off all future Wannado dance camps and events.
  3. This class is an invite only class, and your enrolment is at the discretion of the teacher/company.
  4. If we think your child is not suited to the class, we will gently remove them from the crew after a discussion with you.
  5. Competition uniform must be purchased, and can be updated at any point during the school year. We will try to keep any costs and changes to a minimum. It is your responsibility to keep check of, and to maintain the uniforms fresh condition, and replace any that are outgrown or in bad condition.
  6. Competition tickets are not included in your monthly subscription.
  7. Your child may or may not be entered for duos/solos/trios/quads, this is at the teacher's discretion.
  8. We have a private Facebook group for crews to update you on dates and information, please do keep a check on there.
  9. Crew are expected at all local events to perform as the flagship dancers of Wannado. These include: Durrington Festival, Broadwater Carnival, Worthing Rotary Carnival. Please do make a note of the dates throughout the year.
  10. Crew classes are an additional specialised class to their regular weekly class. Attendance is just as important to their regular class as it is their competition training. You can not do one with out the other.
  11. This class is a commitment to Wannado, and all the members involved in crew. You are expected to attend all training sessions. Missed training sessions with in a month of a competition are not accepted and could lead to a permanent exclusion of the crew. School discos and parties are not an appropriate excuse during the month lead up to comp. It has a huge impact on the classes progress and confidence, and the crew may not be competition ready as a result.
  12. It is expected that your child is participating in all set competition dates unless privately discussed. If you drop out of a competition less than a month in advance, you may be liable to pay all involved parties any compensation for lost ticket fees (etc), and permanent exclusion of crew as a result of your actions.